Zoo To Release Animals In Mount Airy Forest

Some of the animals to look for in Mt. Airy after the Wednesday release.

GNS News: April 4, Cincinnati:

Cincinnati Zoo To Release Zoo Animals In Mt. Airy Forest

Due to budget cuts caused by the continued dispute over street car issues, parking, and their own salaries, the mayor's office approved a plan to release lions, cheetahs, three wolfs, two elephants, a rhino, and a giant python in Mt. Airy Forest Friday morning April 4, 2018.
"We can no longer afford to feed them," a zoo official said late Sunday night. "This forces us to go along with the release program."
The unidentified zoo spokesperson, who was not authorized to release information, said there would be a certain risk involved to surrounding communities, especially from the predators.
"Mt. Airy Forest has over fifteen hundred acres in the center of several communities. We are asking  that everyone avoid the picnic areas and their backyards during this trying time. Keep small animals and children inside."
Police who usually patrol the park are also being laid off due to the budget cuts or shifted downtown where the police chief says it's safe. Residents and visitors will be warned by public service announcements about the dangers of entering Mt. Airy Forest after Wednesday April 4. There will be no posted signs due to the budget cuts.
"City council should have their meetings in the park," one resident said. "People are going to be eaten alive or stomped by elephants because of their poor management and people shooting each other downtown."
The zoo spokesperson said the area reclaimed due to the animal release will be used to make a water park with a roller coaster, or a possible turn around for the streetcar.


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