Why To Hire A Guilford Santa Or Maybe Not
Dirty peasant Steve Krebble, the first Guilford Santa, couldn't handle children and took his own
way out rather than Guilford hanging.
King Dennis of Guilford, Indiana, the only active feudalistic king in the United States has earned a reputation for the bizarre. Visitors need passports. The State Department has warned that all visitors may be executed for the slightest infraction for one of 270,000 death penalty offenses, and the U.S. Government can't stop it. Triple A has issued a travelers warning because the laws and the king are psychotic. According to the census bureau, the average life of a Guilford peasant is 6.3 years
Dirty peasant Steve Krebble, the first Guilford Santa, couldn't handle children and took his own
way out rather than Guilford hanging.