Guilford Cuts Nuclear Arsenal

Guilford Missile Launch The United States recently announced its nuclear arsenal is down to a little over 5000 weapons, a 75% cut since 1989. Since one modern warhead (nothing like the tiny things they used in WW2 on Japan) is pretty much enough to destroy most life on earth, this isn't all that big of a deal and makes a person kind of shake their head when they think about why anyone would need that many weapons if one of them could destroy the entire earth. But in Guilford, King Dennis announced today that he is cutting back his nuclear arsenal by 80 warheads, an 80% cut since the Bonehead War a few years ago. This means Guilford will only have 20 remaining nuclear warheads. This seems like quite a step in the right direction until the FDGP (Free Dirty Guilford Peasants) Italian born weapons specialist, Horst Marino, analyzed the Guilford weapons. "A Guilford nuclear warhead isn't quite up to levels we consider a risk to the planet," Horst sai...