King of Guilford Loses CIA and Twinkie Contracts In Scam Probe

Guilford Clown Cartel members have trouble blending in so their use as intelligence operatives is compromised, says the CIA. The King says they are nuts. They blend in fine. CIA Dumps Guilford Operatives According to the Guilford King, the above picture shows a Guilford Militia CIA contractor (middle) outside a hotel in Syria, posing as a Muslim rebel soldier in the ongoing conflict...days before CIA the current director again canceled the sixteen million dollar contract to use contractors from Guilford. "The King lied again," a former CIA director said. "I bet they weren't even in Syria. Muslims don't wear clown noses. That looks like the library in Guilford." "Consider the source," the King said. "These are guys who think with their wiener and wallets. He wouldn't know the difference between a library and Syria. Of course, Muslims use clown noses when they don't have any other disguises, and most of the Muslims fightin...