Guilford Boy Scouts: Flash From The Past

FROM THE PUBLIC RELATIONS OFFICE OF THE KING OF GUILFORD Members of the Guilford Royal Boy Scouts, a teenage version of the Guilford Militia, won their first merit badge for hunting when open season on dirty peasants began at 12:01 A.M. on the 10th of April. (The attached picture shows the Royal Boy Scouts in their seasonal Spring Garb with their first dirty peasant. The King's picture is on the back of each uniform.) "It's a program I started when I first became King," the King said. "We lost several militia during recent wars and I have to do something to replace them. The program is based on the military training regimen. We also use several techniques used to train U.S. Secret Service Agents." The Guilford Boy Scouts, all members of upper class Guilford families, carry only pistols until they become full fledged militia. In addition to hunting, the Scouts must earn badges in: 1. Cussing Peasants 2. Stomping Peasants 3. Hanging two peasants from on...