Guilford Speed Limit Now 100

Peasants gather at first wreck since Guilford raised the speed limit. The King claims this a good thing. It creates employment, sells more gas, and helps to curb the peasant population. King Raises Speed Limit To 100 The King of Guilford has raised the speed limit in Guilford once again. Now, it's 100 mph on all roads, including dirt roads and tar paths. "Texas is trying to make news by raising their speed limit to eighty-five," the King said. "But eighty-five is the speed limit for peasant school zones in Guilford. I believe that speed is a good thing for a school zone, and it should be triple digits on the highway." Mindy Falsworth Clagendorn, publisher of the radical magazine The King Sucks, claims that the King is trying to discourage children from attending school so they can toil in the fields, and is also trying to get rid of SUVs in Guilford. "That psychopath is violating every human right known to man," Mindy...