Stromboli Sandy on Guilford Network

Sandy makes this Stromboli from scratch using peasant labor. Sandy giving instructions for Sandy's Stromboli. The man at the far end works for the government in biological weapons. They are interested in her recipes for covert operations. Several new students were put in the hospital until they build a tolerance to the recipe. Sandy got the idea from her sandwich from Stromboli Volcano. Six of her husbands have disappeared while on trips to Stromboli. Guilford Television Network Picks Up New Show A member of the Guilford Royal Family who goes only by the name Sandy , has been picked to have her own Guilford Cable Show named Sandy's Stromboli. Mindy Chadsworth Gippy, current editor of The King Sucks magazine knows Sandy well. "She's had more husbands die than the Borgia women. The ability to poison food runs strong in the Guilford bloodline. And out of the group, she had trouble boiling water. How she got a cooking show is beyond me....