Guilford Drops 12,000 Pound Bomb

KING OF GUILFORD NEWS The book (second row left) Waiting For An Open Bed provided the perfect cover for the King to be missing from Guilford. He hasn't been to Sunnyvale in years. (click to enlarge) Southeast Indiana News: Guilford War Uses 12,000 Pound Nut Bomb King Dennis of Guilford's phony return from the Sunnyvale Mental Rehab Facility was a cover story to keep outsiders from coming to Guilford while he faced a terrorist uprising that has, until now, been ignored by the media. "The Guilford castle had been under attack for weeks," the King said. "The story that I was crazy was just a cover so I could eliminate the terrorist threat in Guilford." According to a media report, the attack on the King has been confined to the castle grounds, and so far 64 Guilford Militia troops have been killed or wounded. The Queen of Guilford was wounded by shrapnel and the King was shot in the left leg. The r...