Peasants Protest: King Removed And Replaced By Twin Brother

With the new tower crane for dropping peasants into the creek behind them, thousands of Guilford peasants protested today in the King's Creek Park to have him removed from being the King. "It wasn't much of a protest," an unauthorized anonymous spokesman for the King said. "I'm not saying this really happened because I'm not supposed to say this happened, but it happened. The peasants all got drunk, took off their clothes, and groveled in the dirt. They want the King replaced, but they are too drunk to care right now." The alcoholism rate in Guilford is somewhere around 93%, according to Missy Kikendale Strubble, a lawyer associated with FDGP (Free Dirty Guilford Peasants) . "When you are born in Guilford, you are pre-disposed to being a drunken sot," Missy said, after her attempts to get the peasants to storm the Guilford Castle failed. The King disagrees. "I disagree," the King said. "What does she know, she has three name...